Jump cuts, shaky cam and terrible editing, make this a particularly weak end to an all round bad franchise, lets all be thankful its over, hopefully Milla can move on to real acting again. Boasting a higher body count than its IQ, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is violent, idiotic fun. Resident Evil 4 remains evergreen because of the superb bosses on hand. [2018-12-31]. à croire qu'ils voulaient conclure la saga morte-vivante régulièrement ressuscitée à coups d'électro-chocs comme une merde et à cet égard, l'objectif a été rempli. Overall, however, the repetitiveness and occasional incoherence of the nonstop action leave the audience exhausted for all the wrong reasons. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016) Full Cast & Crew. I wasn't expecting much, but I still left disappointed. just dont buy it. You literally cannot see anything in the "action scenes" cause the shaking of the camara or the editing of the. There are many conradiction in the film. CBS. Variety Joe Leydon. No explanation to the disappearance of many main character.. Directed by Paul W.S. ^ Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2017). It sucks, doesn't have history, doesn't have coherence. Designed to cure his young daughter Alicia's Progeria--an incurable, progressive, and fatal malady--Professor James Marcus makes a breakthrough only a few weeks after the devastating events in Resident Evil: Retribution (2012) by discovering the T-Virus: a seemingly miraculous remedy that will bring humankind to its knees within hours. I wonder how one can give more than 60 as a critic and want to. I dont get it. I wonder how one can give more than 60 as a critic and want to be taken seriously after that? Jump cuts, shaky cams, and muzzle flashes galore i was physically sick by the end as well as all the characters from the last movie are missing like leon, ada, and few others. It's an expensive but banal video-game cutscene. If you keep everything in dark and use only sound to scare children then you do not have to spend so much after filming it. Wesker is reduced to a bit-part cameo while anything remotely resembling a. Too bad for a movie. He scrambles to find a potential cure, and against all odds, Marcus finally finds the solution with the T-virus. The plot was OK but movie was spoiled by a lot of unnecessary scenes of gore, such as the one where the trap hatch closes and cuts the guys fingers. Spieleverfilmungen sind nicht nur meist Mist, sondern auch derbe Kassenflops – bis auf Resident Evil. If in future you plan to create another movie then give us a chance to watch it rather than hear it. [2017-01-25]. Who is the guy that did all the editing ??? This article is considered to be a stub page. Senseless action and violence in a nutshell. Awards Die Actionreihe hat bisher fast eine Milliarde US-Dollar eingespielt – obwohl ein Teil schlechter als der andere ist. I dont even have words. Resident Evil The so called final chapter is GARBAGE!!! It was very confusing too. Do you know how long it took me for this film to p… me off, 1 minute 30 seconds!!! In older films at least there was good music but not in this one. A cynical cash-grab paycheque aimed squarely at tweens yet to see something with a bit more substance. I have feeling that Anderson dont even know what resident evil is !! Resident Evil 1 & 2 were okay for the time. | For fans of “Resident Evil,” I believe this final film will not disappoint, but it also will likely encourage newcomers to the saga to go back and play a bit of catch-up by watching the earlier movies. how does he have a job!!!!!!!!! The movie is so bad, that I'm just created an account to vote a 0 for it. I love the video games, even the plot, which has kind of gotten a bit out of hand at this point is still somewhat enjoyable to me. This is one of the best horror series EVER but that doesnt mean it have all perfect games. It is a miraculous find that could cure thousands of life-threatening diseases. (原始内容存档于2018-10-05). A stroby clunky mess, lacking in anything resembling skill, charm or substance. Let’s just say, these films punish you for remembering anything and punish you for having any knowledge of the games. ... See all 19 reviews on Metacritic.com. This is a mess of a movie series and this is the worst one to date. I went and saw this trash open minded but holy moly was that terrible. how does he have a job!!!!!!!!! Not sure if it was simply bad editing/directing or because the special effects/choreography was bad but the fight scenes were borderline unwatchable with fast camera switches and cuts between each hit to. ^ Is Controversy Impacting ‘A Dog’s Purpose’ At The Box Office?. WTF?! See all external reviews for Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016). Completely uninspired, lazy story, ridiculous action scenes, excessively shaky camera work (cameramen must've had far too many. For the first time, the story supports and adds to the action rather than distract from it; it’s almost as though Anderson was holding back in the earlier films because he wanted to save the best for last. The film felt lazy to me and ive only watched RE: Afterlife, maybe people with the detailed story background will appreciate this more. The following films were all bad and this highlight of the bad is the 6 part. But the films, oh my god, the films are pretty bad. You may just create sound effect and voices and the movie will remain same. However, In May 2017, Constantin chairman Martin Moszkowicz (Martin Moszkowicz) said that a reboot of the film series was in development.In the same month, it was announced that James Wan would produce the reboot with a script by Greg Russo. Resident Evil: Extinction was good and it is still today. It was very confusing too. Completely uninspired, lazy story, ridiculous action scenes, excessively shaky camera work (cameramen must've had far too many espressos), and its complete lack of character building ruined the film. Worst movie of the franchise and one of the very few times in my whole life I've ever walked out of a movie I got to watch for free. Don't even think about making another film or use another lovable video game franchise to make a movie out of. Resident Evil: Extinction was good and it is still today. Worst movie in the series. WHERE?!. Directed by Paul W.S. I don't understand why directors choose to hide all the action behind shaky camerawork and shots that are way too tight during a fight scene. I'm a big fan of the games, and I mostly liked the films also even the weaker ones were OK. The film stars Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Eric Mabius, James Purefoy, Martin Crewes, and Colin Salmon.It is the first installment in the Resident Evil film series, which is loosely based on the video game series of the same name.. And a couple of the action bits are gloriously goofy to behold. This film has kind of made me hate the entire RE movie franchise. It sucks, doesn't have history, doesn't have coherence. Some of the scenes are too dark, I imagine it would be literally impossible to see if you are wearing 3D glasses. [2017-02-02]. The only good thing about this film is that they aren't making any more of them. definitely the worst in the series. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter news. The (supposed) last movie in the Resident Evil movie franchise has hit theaters. Resident Evil är en action/skräck- och zombiefilm/science fantasy-filmserie, löst baserad på de japanska TV-spelen av Capcom med samma namn.Den tyska studion Constantin Film köpte rättigheterna till den första filmen i januari 1997, och hade då Alan B. McElroy och George A. Romero som påtänkta manusförfattare. The Resident Evil games are a beloved icon, one of gaming's most noteworthy series, standing tall to this day with a brand new entry underway dubbed Village. Ineptly shot action, regurgitation of previous story-lines. Not sure if it was simply bad editing/directing or because the special effects/choreography was bad but the fight scenes were borderline unwatchable with fast camera switches and cuts between each hit to ensure you can never quite see what is happening. Dr. James Marcus, a founder of the Umbrella Corporation, has a daughter named Alicia who suffers from progeria, a fatal disease that causes rapid premature aging. a very disappointing final chapter. Later that day, an Umbrella special forces unit breaks into the facility's only entrance, a mansion in the mountains, to investigate the situation in The Hive. It's 2017! Just to make something to put a dot? Anderson keine Experimente: Die fade Story um Alice (Milla Jovovich), die eine menschenleere, dafür zombiereiche Postapokalypse auf der Suche nach dem ultimativen Antivirus durchstreift, verlinkt so gerade die ansprechend inszenierten, aber hochgradig unoriginellen Actionszenen. The newest Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 7, … Mit Resident Evil – The Final Chapter endet das Anti-Epos nun. The film felt lazy to me and ive only watched RE: Afterlife, maybe people with the detailed story background will appreciate this more. CGI is pice of s*. Who gave this guy money to make it ? Resident Evil 4 ties Bioshock with a score of 96, but tops this list for its superior user score, along with the far bigger influence that it had on the survival horror genre. Alice returns to where the nightmare began: The Hive in Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering its forces for a final strike against the … I really hope this is indeed the final chapter and hopefully Paul W.S. Il y a des hauts et des bas dans la franchise Resident Evil au cinéma et plus souvent des bas d'ailleurs, mais là c'est le pompon ! Resident Evil är en action/skräck- och zombiefilm/science fantasy-filmserie, löst baserad på de japanska TV-spelen av Capcom med samma namn.Den tyska studion Constantin Film köpte rättigheterna till den första filmen i januari 1997, och hade då Alan B. McElroy och George A. Romero som påtänkta manusförfattare. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They, alongside Silent Hill, paved the way for horror gaming as we know it. 50% of the dialogue is them repeating what you literally just watched and the synchro is one of the worst ive heard. User Ratings RELATED: Every Resident Evil Game (In Chronological Order) However, the films paint a different picture. I counted, within a minute and a half they managed to retcon almost half of the series. This is the worse of all the movies, not even for resident evil franchise, but for all the bad movies out there. Jump cuts. But the films, oh my god, the films are pretty bad. In 2001, Screen Gems acquired distribution rights and hired Paul W. S. Anderson as writer and director for Resident Evil (2002). It's all squint and grunt, slash and groan. A few individual scenes of hand-to-hand and foot-to-face combat are undeniably exciting, and Jovovich once again impresses with her kinetic athleticism. The series has been garbage since the second film and it hasn't changed with this one. But it’ll take a wit far cleverer than action hack Paul W.S. Oh, and there’s a million plot holes that were so big the Titanic could fit in them. Terrible movie. Heres to a reboot which actually cares about the source material. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (4K UHD) (10,609) 5.5 1 h 46 min 2017 HDR UHD R. Alice returns to The Hive in Raccoon City, where Umbrella Corp is gathering forces for a final strike against the remaining survivors. This movie was extremely poor, i actually liked the others in the series but this was so hard to watch, shaky camera's during every action scene, makes you wish they will just stand around and talk more plot destroying **** What on Earth was Paul W.S Anderson smoking when he wrote and directed this movie, i felt embarrassed for the people in the credits for putting their name to this piece of **** Apparently the whole story, the five sequels could have been avoided if Alice just dropped the vile of anti-virus outside in the air instead of trying to inject matt because apparently that's enough to cover the whole world and destroy the t-virus and all mutations. Senseless action and violence in a nutshell. Story is boring and predictable. The movie percolates enough that even when, at its climax, it shamelessly recycles a grisly punch line from 1987’s “RoboCop,” it’s kind of endearing, not least because Mr. Anderson and company make it work. But this one is not making any sense, and the worst part that it's trying. definitely the worst in the series. Spieleverfilmungen sind nicht nur meist Mist, sondern auch derbe Kassenflops – bis auf Resident Evil. 電影 爛番茄 Metacritic 影院評分 《生化危机》 35%(130篇評論) 33(24篇評論) B 《惡靈古堡2:啟示錄》 20%(133篇評論) 35(26篇評論) B 《惡靈古堡3:大滅絕》 24%(100篇評論) 41(12篇評論) B− 《惡靈古堡4:陰陽界》 22%(106篇評論) 37(14篇評論) B− 《惡靈古堡5:天譴日》 With Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Paul W.S. Resident Evil (1996) Resident Evil 2 (1998) Resident Evil 2 - Game.Com (1998) Resident Evil 2 - Tiger 99x (1999) Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (1999) Resident Evil CODE:Veronica (2000) Resident Evil Survivor (2000) Resident Evil Survivor 2 CODE:Veronica (2001) Resident Evil Gaiden (2001) If in future you plan. Garbage movie, through and through. It was soo bad. It’s like they can’t make up their minds what they want to do. Ruby Rose is underused, she has even less screentime in here than in xXx: The return of Xander Cage. Wesker lost his power. He shouldn't be allowed to make movies. 50. This is definitely the worst of the bunch. à croire qu'ils voulaient conclure la saga morte-vivante régulièrement ressuscitée à coups d'électro-chocs. Actors are hopeless.The camera shakes non-stop. and there really is no story here and they walkover everything they did previously. External Reviews. Anderson brings an end to this long-running franchise. Put it this way, if this is not in my ‘Worst Films of 2017 list’ I will have to declare it as being a terrible year for cinema. "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" is the final installment in the Resident Evil live-action film series. Paul Anderson has basically used these films as a excuse to show off his wife Milla Jovovich in the lead role, who is a complete ‘Mary Sue’ of a character, who can do no wrong and kicks ass without flinching! The movie doesn't even have a good soundtrack. Who gave this guy money to make it ? If you keep everything in dark and use only sound to scare children then you do not have to spend so much after filming it. One of the most influential games of the modern era, it's easy to forget just how much of an impact The Last of Us made… And it's a total shame because the last film ended in such a cool way but this one completely ignored that film and basically played a game of "let's tie up all the loose ends, even if it completely conflicts with everything we've shown the audience so far." It is garbage and any people should avoid to see this **** its a waste of time and money, doesnt even worth the megabits to see it online. Puke of a movie. Not all of us like frequent jump-cuts in scenes,you know! Check box if your review contains spoilers, At least this is the last time we're ever going to see terrible excuse of wasting your money, but if it isn't, then stop, Paul W.S. The following films were all bad and this highlight of the bad is the 6 part. This was such a HORRIBLE movie, the plot is so stupid, the quick cam induced me with a terrible headache, the characters are just garbage and finally the worst thing they could do was put a bunch of jump scares! Resident Evil: The Final Chapter was a fitting end to the franchise filled with action, intrigue, and of course zombies. Explanaton the rescue was a trap, why not left Alice rot in the base or kill her in stasis. Honestly, I dont get it - why director did it - could he left the franchise without this end? It is so bad. With no plot, no story, and cheap action scenes. Die Actionreihe hat bisher fast eine Milliarde US-Dollar eingespielt – obwohl ein Teil schlechter als der andere ist. Dennoch – oder gerade deswegen – wagt Regisseur Paul W.S. Anderson. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter reprises Milla Jovovich as Alice in the fifth sequel of the franchise that Paul Anderson derived back in 2002. At least this is the last time we're ever going to see terrible excuse of wasting your money, but if it isn't, then stop, Paul W.S. Don't waste your money. For more on the critical reaction to The Final Chapter, go to GameSpot sister site Metacritic. Undeniably the worst entry in the franchise, a messy blur that trips over itself over and over and over again. They didn't even try to make it look good. Ruby Rose is underused, she has even less screentime in here than in xXx: The return of Xander Cage. This film has kind of made me hate the entire RE movie franchise. Resident Evil 1 & 2 were okay for the time. Millions of pointless shots. A stroby clunky mess, lacking in anything resembling skill, charm or substance. Anderson. The T-virus unleashed by the evil Umbrella Corp. has spread to every corner of the globe, infesting the planet with zombies, demons and monsters. Despite these objections, I nevertheless still found myself enjoying “Resident Evil: The Final Chapter” a great deal and while I cannot guarantee that everyone seeing it will feel the same way (those who have never cared for or even seen any of the previous films should probably strike at least one star off my rating), fans of the franchise should get a kick out of it as well. He gave back her powers we saw it, than he says he didn't. Resident Evil: Extinction was good and it is still today. ... See all 19 reviews on Metacritic.com. The plot was OK but movie was spoiled by a lot of unnecessary scenes of gore, such as the one where the trap hatch closes and cuts the guys fingers. I. editing is bad Jump cuts and shaky cams you can't see what is going on the screen. I thought I was watching a 5. True, the movie's intense, and Jovovich is certainly in fighting shape. They bring with them three people they find - Alice, the lab's securit… Resident Evil is an action-horror film series based on the Japanese video game franchise of the same name by Capcom.German studio Constantin Film bought the rights to adapt the series in January 1998. I don't understand why directors choose to hide all the action behind shaky camerawork and shots that are way too tight during a fight. who thought that was a good idea? You can help the Resident Evil Wiki by … Отвратительная операторская работа и плохие эффекты, сюжет не интересен, более 20 минут не выдержал, даже когда перематывал, то делал большие промежутки, по-скольку это правда ужасно для глаз и мозга. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter news. Once one is acclimated to this chaos-cinema form, even if it’s a bit more assaultive in post-converted 3D, the writer-director’s simultaneous economic storytelling and boyish imagination come into clear view. With Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts. If you are fan of the game dont watch it! With Milla Jovovich, Iain Glen, Ali Larter, Shawn Roberts. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter received a 37% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 101 reviews.1 ATTENTION! Resident Evil 1 & 2 were okay for the time. He had god mode on in previous movies and now a door kill him. I saw it in 2D, for the love of god, do not see this movie in 3D. This movie wasn't that great I think it was the worst film in the franchise. I watched this movie on the day it was published in cinemas,still cannot believe why they made it so badly, Como esse lixo não está com - 10? Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (auch: Resident Evil 6 oder Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter) ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Action-Horrorfilm von Paul W. S. Anderson aus dem Jahr 2016 und die Fortsetzung des Films Resident Evil: Retribution aus dem Jahr 2012. 50. Its not a movie. ^ Resident Evil: The Final Chapter. Deadline.com. I can’t go into everything I hate about the film because I would have to spoil it rotten and some poor souls will be like me and actually want to see the film, so I had better leave it to them, but trust me, I am so glad this film series is over. CGI was mostly fine mixed with some really bad ones and 3D isnt great. RESIDENT EVIL: THE FINAL CHAPTER - Critique the Critics: BossLevel8. Not only did he manage to ruin the possibility of a good Alien versus Predator movie, but he also managed to screw over the Resident Evil series for six movies. The best thing about this film is that it ends. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter é un filme estadounidense de 2016 [5] escrito e dirixido por Paul W. S. Anderson. How did this movie even get made? He. Anderson to work that out. The movie is one GIANT mess and you cant even see wtf is going on either ..... what is with all these Jump cuts ?? Boasting a higher body count than its IQ, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is violent, idiotic fun. Undeniably the worst entry in the franchise, a messy blur that trips over itself over and over and over again. This kind of movie for a franchise like resident evil (the games, not the movies) it should be a crime. I love the video games, even the plot, which has kind of gotten a bit out of hand at this point is still somewhat enjoyable to me. My wife and I decided to see this and..... We have never seen a more unwatchable movie in our entire lives. Resident Evil: Extinction was good and it is still today. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. I will give the other films credit that at least some of the action was decently shot, but man, the action in this film is almost impossible to see, it’s terribly made, the plot is more asinine than usual and has several signposted twists that make absolutely no sense and actually raise more questions than answers and despite the fact that this is labelled as the final chapter, there is really no finality to the film. Es ist der sechste und letzte Teil der Residen Ali Larter rejoins Milla along with Iain Glen to bring a ridicules plot to an end, hopefully. The following films were all bad and this highlight of the bad is the 6 part. They made the f***ing team Avengers of the Resident Evil in the previous movie than BOOM there is only the Captain left in the next one, oh and somewhere joined her post apocalypic BFF who suddenly don't even give a f*** about she had a brother. "Resident Evil: The Final Chapter" is the final installment in the Resident Evil live-action film series. The facility's A.I., the "Red Queen", attempts to stop the outbreak from spreading outside by killing the research staff. Not all of us like. Die durchschnittlich bis miesen Akteure führen derweil Dialoge aus der Hölle, während Anderson noch mehr als sonst auf Resident Evil-Anspielungen verzichtet. Boasting a higher body count than its IQ, Resident Evil: The Final Chapter is violent, idiotic fun. | The Resident Evil games are a beloved icon, one of gaming's most noteworthy series, standing tall to this day with a brand new entry underway dubbed Village. Picking up immediately after the events in Resident Evil: Retribution, humanity is on its last legs after … The House in Fata Morgana - Dreams of the Revenants Edition -. This is definitely the worst of the bunch. Picking up immediately after the events in Resident Evil: Retribution, humanity is on its last legs after Alice is … What a complete letdown. My wife and I decided to see this and..... We have never seen a more unwatchable movie in our entire lives. | Resident Evil: The Final Chapter was a fitting end to the franchise filled with action, intrigue, and of course zombies. Aesthetically unpleasant, obnoxiously loud, and nauseatingly edited, 'Resident Evil: The Final Chapter' has everything you'd need to finish off that "how not to make an action movie" checklist. Variety Joe Leydon. Like most films of its type, “The Final Chapter” is utterly ridiculous in every possible way but unlike a lot of them (I am looking at you, “Underworld”), it at least has a healthy sense of its own absurd nature that comes as a blessed relief. To top it off, if that wasn't bad enough, they had the bright idea of doing these speed-cuts back and forth during every action scene that were practically seizure inducing! Its stupid crap. I could go into detail about what is wrong with all of these films, but I really don’t have the time and I would have to devote a whole other document to it!!! Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, the final installment in the six-part Resident Evil saga, was the best one received by critics -- perhaps in part because the series was finally over?. Ineptly shot action, regurgitation of previous story-lines. They weren't the best received and changed an … Subscribe! Not to spoil anything but there's a scene with a specific character that completely ruined their otherwise perfect portrayal throughout the franchise. You may just create sound effect and voices and the movie will remain same. The movie is so bad, that I'm just created an account to vote a 0 for it. Who is the guy that did all the editing ??? Too bad for a movie. There’s a fascinating satire of America’s unholy alliance of heartless corporations and the religious dupes who worship them just sitting here. The Resident Evil series' fifth main installment was released in 2002.The game didn't perform badly with critics, though it was seen as a drop in form from the incredible run of … I thought I was watching a 5 nights at Freddy's game. For goodness sake, I may say every time that there is no way these films can get worse, but somehow it always manages to be the case and this one is the worst to date. Don't even think about making another film or use another lovable video game franchise to make a. More Critic Reviews See all external reviews for Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016) » Story makes no sense its not in any way a continuation on older films. I still can't figure out why the last movies ending was completely skipped over, maybe because it would have actually been entertaining, not mentioned at all really, cornered outnumbered ready for the last stand, next movie Alice just wandering around walking in on a bunch of tv screens that the red queen takes over to give Alice the answers to everything so stupid right at the start. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (prt: Resident Evil: Capítulo Final [2] [3]; bra: Resident Evil 6: O Capítulo Final [4] [5]) é um filme teuto [4]-australo [4]-canado [4]-franco [4]-estadunidense [4] de 2016, dos gêneros ação, ficção científica e terror, escrito e dirigido por Paul W. S. Anderson. Anderson. Now don’t get me wrong on this one. Anderson. I wonder how one can give more than 60 as a critic and want to Resident Evil 1 & 2 were okay for the time. Il y a des hauts et des bas dans la franchise Resident Evil au cinéma et plus souvent des bas d'ailleurs, mais là c'est le pompon ! This was such a HORRIBLE movie, the plot is so stupid, the quick cam induced me with a terrible headache, the characters are just garbage and finally the worst thing they could do was put a bunch of jump scares! RELATED: Every Resident Evil Game (In Chronological Order) However, the films paint a different picture. This movie had just one single aim - to finish RE franchise. Half of what had been established was gone and replaced by something else. They weren't the best received and changed an … Screw these movies and screw Paul W S Anderson. They, alongside Silent Hill, paved the way for horror gaming as we know it. (原始内容存档于2017-02-02). Wesker was a bad guy than a good one and again bad. Metacritic. However, In May 2017, Constantin chairman Martin Moszkowicz (Martin Moszkowicz) said that a reboot of the film series was in development.In the same month, it was announced that James Wan would produce the reboot with a script by Greg Russo. The commercials on tv showed the best parts but hid the rest of the terrible parts of the film. A cynical cash-grab paycheque aimed squarely at tweens yet to see something with a bit more substance. The best thing about this film is that it ends. Anderson decides to stop making bad movies out of good games. I counted 8 jump scares in the first 20 minutes and everytime they cranked up the volume to the max. Seriously go and watch some Ghost Busters 2016, no this **** Epic fail. Rotten Tomatoes. Wer die Vorgänger jedoch mochte, wird vermutlich auch hier glücklich – denn der blitzschnell geschnittene Film hat Tempo wie Sau, den ein oder anderen Gore-Effekt sowie einen netten Twist am Ende. i just created an account here to warn you that this is a bad movie not worth your money, uninspired, many black holes, not continuing the history where the previous movie left, many bland characters with no personality nor history. The action is practically non-stop from beginning to end, but is never remotely exciting due to the Cuisinart-style editing that reduces it all to an incomprehensible, messy blur. Thank goodness this franchise is over, one of the worst of all time and certainly a shockingly bad addition to the series. How did this movie even get made? But after 15 years of this franchise, it's getting hard to tell Alice from the things she's fighting. Alice returns to where the nightmare began: The Hive in Raccoon City, where the Umbrella Corporation is gathering its forces for a final strike against the only remaining survivors of the apocalypse. Directed by (1) Writing credits (1) Cast (85) Produced by (10) Music by (1) Cinematography by (1) Film Editing by (1) Casting By (2) Production Design by (1) Art Direction by (3) Set Decoration by (1) Costume Design by (1) Makeup Department (68) A BAD MOVIE.It’s totally sucks.For Milla Jovovich’s performance and CGI I give 2 stars. Mit Resident Evil –. This film is an absolute abomination even in the category of sequels. FAQ Resident Evil is a 2002 action horror film written and directed by Paul W. S. Anderson. Film- und Resident Evil-Nerds aber machen einen großen Bogen um diesen High-End-Trash. Sinceramente isso não merecia nem ser citado na crítica kkkkkk, Every Resident Evil Game, Ranked Worst to Best, Best of 2018: Film Awards and Nominations, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by.